Pursuant to Section 67 of the Banking Act 1995, BRED Bank (Fiji) Pte Ltd publishes the following names of its customers who have monies outstanding to their names, deemed to be unclaimed for a period of ten(10) years or more. Furthermore, Section 67 (2), requires the Persons to whom the accounts are payable, or their legal personal representatives to submit a claim to any branch of BRED Bank (Fiji) within three(3) months of the date of this publication. In the event of a legitimate claim not being received within this time, the accounts will be closed, and funds remitted to the Reserve Bank of Fiji.


Verification of Identity: To claim funds or reactivate an account, the Claimant(s) will need to comply with BRED Bank (Fiji) Customer Identification Checklist prior to the release of funds or reactivating a Claimant(s) account.


Date of Publication: 10 February 2023
Date Expires: 31 May 2023

Date of Publication: 23 February 2024
Date Expires: 31 May 2024